Health and Wellness Prevention

Our Added Value at ANCORA

At ANCORA, we not only provide the best service to our clients, but we also take care of them by offering Preventive Health Services and enhancing the benefits they can obtain from healthcare providers.

Included Benefits

product imageNeeds assessment based on claims history
product imageConferences on Mental Health, Nutrition, and Well-being
product imageHealth Campaigns with Specialist Physicians
product imageCampaigns for Services Included in Your Policy
product imageVaccination Campaigns
product imageConferences and Webinars about Common Interests

Strategic Alliances with Vendors

Through the analysis of statistical studies, we establish direct agreements with more user-friendly providers for our clients’ policies.

The goal is to provide tangible benefits such as discounts, service upgrades, quality, and, above all, warmth in customer service.

Our alliances include hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and ancillary services.


Ancillary Services


Do you need a quote or more information?

Please leave your contact details and we will get in touch with you.

Or contact our staff in charge:

Luis Muciño

Deputy Director of Customer Strategic Services and Preventive Health

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