Civil Works and Installation

We are experts in underwriting Civil Works and Civil Liability in Construction policies; which provide coverage for the project in all its phases.

Value Proposition ANCORA

We have extensive experience in managing large infrastructure projects, as well as the insurance coverage and guarantees required by various financing vehicles, managing the entire insurance structure in compliance with contractual requirements. We work with construction companies, project owners, investment funds, real estate investment trusts (FIBRAS), capital development certificates (CKD's), among others.

Insurance for Civil Works and Installation

Designed for civil works of builders or property owners exposed to multiple risks during the various stages of construction that take place at the construction site.

There are four main types of assets where coverage is essential:

  • Building or civil work, the final object of the construction project.
  • Construction materials on the construction site.
  • Machinery and equipment that will be part of the civil construction project.
  • Temporary or provisional constructions or buildings.

Civil Liability and Construction

Covers damages caused to a third party or injuries sustained by construction workers during the construction process.


Construction (All Risks)
Public Construction
Construction Delays

civil liability

Constructions (Open Cover)
Construction for Specific Projects
Civil Liability (Umbrella)

Do you need a quote or more information?

Please leave your contact details and we will get in touch with you.

Or contact our staff in charge:

Luis Horacio Moreno

Property & Casualty Manager

Edwin Ruiz

FinPro and P&C Account Executive

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